HAIR Playbill

Season 85 (2021) Role call!

Number of Season 85 performances: 85 Of Seussical performances offered for free: 15 Of audience members who attended Seussical: 2,539 Of outdoor performances: 65

Of performances canceled due to inclement weather: 2 Of performances ending early due to inclement weather: 2 Increase in event attendance from 2020 (pre-pandemic) to 2021: 84% Increase in ticket orders by phone: 11% Decrease in ticket orders in-person: 11% Temporary outdoor tented performance area in square feet: 4,000 Yards of string lights illuminating the outdoor performance venue: 1,100 Number of zip ties supporting power and audio cables in the tent: 9,000 Feet of garden hose used for plumbing and rain in The Mountaintop : 300 Set pieces able to be recycled post-performance: Wooden pallets ( An Iliad ): 30 Pounds of sand ( An Iliad ): 20,000 Five-gallon buckets ( Seussical ): 25 Pounds of wood chips ( Ring of Fire ): 8,600 Number of hours David Bonanno spent memorizing lines for An Iliad : 137.5 Number of paper playbills saved by switching to digital: 15,000 Number of digital playbill page views: 89,900 Number of staff Covid tests delivered: 600 Percentage positive: 0% Gallons of hand sanitizer used: 28 Percentage of 2021 patrons likely to recommend Weston to a friend: 95% Likely to attend a performance at Weston in the future: 96%

Figures cited are the latest available as of December 2021

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