HAIR Playbill

includes shows such as Oklahoma! and My Fair Lady ), Hair revived that long standing tradition with an anti-war, pro- love rock score that took on the contemporary, youthful undercurrent of the late 1960s. TWO OF THE CREATORS Hair , Gerome Rangi and James Rado, met while performing in the same off-Broadway show in 1964. Inspired by the countercultural artistic and political movements happening around them, they devised an idea for a musical that told the semi-autobiographical story of a group of young hippies grappling with identity, love, sex, freedom, and the

mainstream political climate. They were soon connected with composer Galt MacDermot, who was, ironically, rather far removed from the hippie communities like the one in NYC’s East Village that Rangi and Rado were a part of. However, the material excited MacDermot, and the trio began their collaboration. With rock music as their vehicle and a rich history of experimental theater guiding the development of each chorus and verse, Hair wasborn.

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